Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Certificate of Occupancy

Big day last Saturday 5/9 as I issued the Certificate of Occupancy to the Bufflehead Farm Chicken Coop.  Finally finished netting the Run.  And had to pick up another feeder and waterer.  But I get ahead of myself.

Last post, which was a month ago 4/10/15, I had finished the sheathing and was ready to start roofing.  Never did a roof before.  Started with 15lb roofing felt stapled to the sheathing.

Added the triple tab shingles including a first course of a new shingle cutting the tabs off to give the first row a solid cover.  Then a full sheet of triple tab, across and up.

For the crown you take waste tabs; or new ones left over, and nail them across the top, covering the nail heads of each tab by the one to follow.

Paint the trim and the body.  Then I gave up my search for 2 x 2' windows and went on-line to find cheap windows.  Found shed windows but nothing close to 2'x2'.  Did find 12" x 16" windows.  $70.00 for both windows including shipping.  Much better than $108 EACH from the local Home Depot.  But it meant that I did have to reframe and patch the window openings to accommodate the smaller windows.  I actually like the smaller windows better.

Windows in, and paint touched up, time to start on the chicken run.  The idea was to build a 12' x 8' run that would start at the coop and end at the garden fence.  At some future date we wanted to build a chicken gate from their run to the garden.  In the fall when all is harvested we would turn them loose in the garden to eat all the leftovers, roots, vines and any bugs lurking. (Photo bomb by Gabriel)

Plans called for a run that would be 5'4" high.  That does not work for my 6'3"self.  So I modified the plans and created a taller run.  Pretty simple 2x4 frame walls braced at top and bottom.Photo above is the end wall which meets the garden fence.  Then I added the side walls and attached them to the front of the coop.

Built a simple screen door out of some spare cedar planks I had in the shop.  The brass door knocker is a brass casting of "Marley's Ghost".  The literary among you will recognize Marley as the ghost who haunted Scrooge in Charles Dicken's A Christmas Carol.  I acquired this knocker when I bought a rather odd house in Arlington Virginia that had a bunch of weird stuff like this left by the previous owner.  Been moving it around with me for 15 years so figured this was a good place to use it.

Then had to screen the whole thing in with one inch chicken netting.

All in all it came out pretty good I would say.  So we moved 4 of the 7 chicks that we bought out to the new coop on Saturday May 9.  They had all been staying in a large cardboard box in the garage.  They seem to like the new digs.  Plenty of room, and lots of fresh air.  4 of the 7 chicks are a few weeks older so in a couple weeks we will move the 2 Silkies and the Rhode Island Red into the new coop as well.