As of the last post I had the wall framing up. So it was time to make the gables and attach them to the wall framing. Gables were made from 2 x 4s cut at 30 deg and fastened to gussets made from OSB.
I then attached the gables to the wall framing using hurricane ties.
And the roof
And the back wall which will have two large doors which should make cleaning the coop much easier. I know I wouldn't fit in the small chicken door in the front.
The opening on the side walls will have the nesting boxes with a hinged lid for egg gathering.
So now that the sheathing is on I can build the framing for the nesting boxes. Two identical boxes, one on each side.
Once framed I add more sheathing for the nest boxes. You can see the vertical dividers in the nest boxes providing 3 nesting boxes on each side.
Here's the chicken's eye view of the nesting boxes. Fill those with straw or wood shavings
and you have the equivalent of your grocers dairy case.
Then I built this roosting box. There are two of them. Going to line the bottom with linoleum for obvious reasons and then they are mounted two feet above the floor of the coop. Just a couple pieces of plywood fastened to two 2 x 2s. The end plates are plywood with a hole for a closet rod and then I seal up the open end of the holes.
Here is one of the roosting boxes mounted. The other one sits on the same center support and to the left. They just lift out for cleaning.
And roofing is done, Nesting box lids are also roofed (rooved??) and hinges installed.
So far I think I have about 40 hours invested to this point. I don't think I could make a living building chicken coops. I still do not have my windows. Trying to find something used. Guess I'll start painting next.