Monday, March 30, 2015

Chickens; the Gateway Farm Animal

They say Chickens are the gateway animal for rural residents.  Everyone starts with chickens which are relatively easy to care for and produce wonderful eggs and; we are told, hours of entertainment.  Once hooked one moves on to "harder" animals like goats and pigs. 

So you cannot have chickens without a place for them to live safely

Monday, March 9, 2015

Taming the Green Tsunami

No peaceful sylvan setting exists here at Bufflehead Pond Farm... not yet, anyway.  We can maintain our illusions with a restful view of the duck pond, or the full moon rising above old growth Douglas firs, or the raucous peeps of thousands of tiny frogs along the banks of the wetlands. But while it seems idyllic on the surface, we now know that the forest is hungry for our land and intends to devour it all. Undaunted, we wield chainsaws, heavy tractors, shovels, loppers, scythes, rakes, and are seriously considering purchasing a flame thrower.

But I digress.